Financial compensation: a worker value measure.


  • Olga Lucía García Cano


This work examines the incidence that the system of financial compensation
structure has on the achievement of the objectives of attracting, retaining and motivating
workers in the organization. The research is based on the possible restrictions
identifications of the financial compensation systems in searching these objectives. It is
starting on the analysis of the labor Colombian market conditions, specifically, on job
offer and demand; on Colombian labor legislation related with salaries and wages
and other financial incentives contemplated not only in general legislation but on the
organizational behavior theory.
To establish the restrictions among the signal dimensions, chronic conflict clouds were
structured. These served later as a basis to elaborate current reality tress (C.R.T), as
initial diagnosis. In addition, future reality trees (F.R.T) were considered a proposal
to evaporate chronic opposing conflicts, using the proportionate analysis methodology
for the theory of restrictions (T.O.C.)

How to Cite

García Cano, O. L. (2011). Financial compensation: a worker value measure. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (21). Retrieved from




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