Perspectives for the society information.


  • José Rodrigo Córdoba Pachón


In this article three perspectives for understanding the development of the society
information phenomenon are presented: An ideal perspective, a strategic perspective, and
an ethic-power perspective. The ideal perspective is characterized by having a society
vision in which the universal access to the information throughout the technology usage
exists. The strategic perspective underlies the existence of several interests from different
actors who take part in the phenomenon development. In the ethic-power perspective the
information society is understood as a set of processes that occur in power relationships
and affect the individual and collective ethic. This perspective takes advantage of the
power of the ideal vision and sees the strategic perspective as a game of actors to propose
analysis elements in the implementation initiatives.

How to Cite

Córdoba Pachón, J. R. (2011). Perspectives for the society information. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (19). Retrieved from


