Quantitative relation between an indicator of risk and an indicator of violence.


  • Maribel Serna Rodríguez


This article presents the quantitative relation, from the analysis of correlation
between an indicator of risk, ICI, calculated by American Company PRS Group and
an indicator of violence, IVPSCAC, calculated by the Colombian organizations “Cinep
y Justicia y Paz”. As a result the analysis from the variation explained and not
explained of the ICI is raised. From the study developed we can conclude: a) Only the
19,3% of the variation in the ICI it is explained by the variation of the IVPSCAC; it
indicates that the 80,7% of their variation are explained in factors different from the
variation of the IVPSCAC. b) Among them a correlation of the 0,439 appears, which is
considered as moderate and it affirms, with a level of confidence of 90%, it is really
significant. c) This correlation could be the sample of part of the IVPSCAC information
is considered within the construction of the ICI.

How to Cite

Serna Rodríguez, M. (2011). Quantitative relation between an indicator of risk and an indicator of violence. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (19). Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/3587


