Current dimensions of the public. With regard to the interrelationships between the State, Management and Society


  • Edgar Varela Barrios


This article analyzes the main dimensions of the relations between public and private fields. It
has a theoretical point of view supported on political sociology and the managerial context in such
relations. The author describes the main challenges faced by the materialization of public interest,
starting from interest games coming from civil societies, the administrative bureaucratic practices of
contemporary states, and finally from policies of transnationalization phenomena which dominates
the present times.
The text ends by characterizing some main features when implementing politics concerning
public field, starting from the alreatfy mentioned personal groups of interest, privatizing trends and
the inherent difficulties of governmental actions.

How to Cite

Varela Barrios, E. (2011). Current dimensions of the public. With regard to the interrelationships between the State, Management and Society. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (18). Retrieved from


