A micro-firm created for global markets. Case study


  • Alejandra Maya
  • Sascha Fuerst


This case study illustrates how five, young entrepreneurs created a

micro-firm called Dewak in Colombia with the aim to offer software customization

services in the global market. Different Internet promotion

strategies helped the firm to position itself in the market and, hence, to

acquire a steady stream of clients. The firm also had to face several obstacles

concerning procedures related to the export of services in Colombia,

the nationalization of foreign currency and electronic transactions from

their international clients. Dewak developed several competitive advantages

which helped to sustain its growth objectives. The future development

of the firm, however, does not only depend on its current services

but also on the development of an own software product, as emphasized

by the founders.

This case study can be applied in entrepreneurship or international

business courses to illustrate the process of founding and development

of a so called born global firm from Colombia. The case might also be

of interest to scholars from the field of international entrepreneurship

where a dearth of empirical studies prevails in the context of Colombia.

How to Cite

Maya, A., & Fuerst, S. (2011). A micro-firm created for global markets. Case study. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (31). Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/3651


