Hotel Intelligence Matrix. A proposal for improving the quality of hotel services


  • Álvaro Enrique Santamaría Escobar


The object of this work is to propose a process of improving the

marketing of services in the hotel sector in Santiago de Tolu, Sucre. The

study, descriptive, adopted the model of the gaps in service quality proposed

by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, which is based on the difference

between expectations and customer perceptions. Using the Matrix


MIH hotel, which was used to collect and analyze information,

identified the main gaps in the hotel service, showing that the

greatest deficit in aspects such as industrial safety, public relations and


Finally, the research allowed proposing actions and strategies to improve

the quality of hotel service delivery and thereby increase the average occupancy

rate throughout the year.

How to Cite

Santamaría Escobar, Álvaro E. (2011). Hotel Intelligence Matrix. A proposal for improving the quality of hotel services. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (31). Retrieved from


