The effect of country of origin in dominant brands


  • José Roberto Concha ICESI


Country of Origin Effect has been discussed for many years and several authors have argued that is a way to differentiate the product from competitors and is a fundamental element that affects perceptions, preference and willingness consumer to buy. Currently, however, several authors arguethat this effect has become less important, since even in comparison goods,which implicates a higher involvement level, many consumers do not knowthe Country of Origin of the product for the reason that the brand is quitedominant and this is most relevant to the consumer, regardless of where itcomes from. This study evaluates the effect of country of origin dominantin comparison products brands such as portable computers. The empiricalresults show that this effect is diluted when brands already occupy an importantplace in the mind of the consumer

How to Cite

Concha, J. R. (2016). The effect of country of origin in dominant brands. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (39). Retrieved from


