Info-knowledge for supply chains: its links with management, human capital, supply chain operations and innovation


  • Marisleidy Alba Cabañas Universidad Externado de Colombia
  • Katy Caridad Herrera Lemus universidad Externado de Colombia.


When analyzing processes of information and knowledge management and their application to the business practice, the links between both processes’ approaches and categories become apparent, evidencing a tight relationship in their conception and function in business, though they are usually seen as isolated categories. Info-knowledge integrates the flows of information and knowledge between agents, as well as their experiences, learning and skills, having a spiraling, growing and synergic thought model as its process approach that adds value and sets the business foundation and product innovation. The proposed design breaks with the traditional information and knowledge structure, generating a single cycle that offers the possibility of integration in supply chain processes that is grounded in the application of information technology. Relevant results are the contributions to the global planning of the supply chain,the possibility to make adequate decisions; cooperation, permanent communication and institutionalization, increase in value in the supply chain, and the preparation of actions of continuous improvement and innovation

Biografía del autor/a

Marisleidy Alba Cabañas, Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Externado de Colombia, ingeniera de profesión, Magisteren Gestión de la información y Doctora en Administración. Docentede pregrado y postgrado en la Universidad de la Habana-Cuba y LaUniversidad La Salle-Colombia

Katy Caridad Herrera Lemus, universidad Externado de Colombia.

Universidad de La Habana, ingeniera Industrial, Máster en Dirección,Diplomada del programa Europeo en Enseñanza de Gestión y Doctoraen Ciencias Técnicas por la Universidad Central “Mara Abreu” deLas Villas, Cuba. Docente de pregrado y postgrado de la universidadExternado de Colombia.



Cómo citar

Alba Cabañas, M., & Herrera Lemus, K. C. (2018). Info-knowledge for supply chains: its links with management, human capital, supply chain operations and innovation. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (45). Recuperado a partir de


