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Affective-behavioral disorders, bullying and academic performance in a pediatric population

Mental health and school experience



Objective: To describe the affective and behavioral disorders related to the school experience in the public schools in Caldas-Colombia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study in individuals between 4 and 17 years old. It was held during the second semester of 2018 in 17 public schools in the cities of Manizales and Aranzazu, Caldas, Colombia. Affective-behavioral alterations were measured with checklists of child behavior Achenbach 4-18 (CBCL / 4-18) and the school experience was determined with academic performance, bullying, and play time. Results: Participants were 1533 children. Among the results found that 18.2% of the children had academic problems, 15.3% attended special classes and 28.9% repeated courses. In the subjects that showed the worst performance were mathematics and language, a statistically significant relationship was also found between academic performance in the main school subjects and alterations in the CBCL domains. The percentiles for CBCL syndromes are higher in children with bullying. Conclusions: Internalizing and externalizing symptoms was found in the student population, in addition to alterations in the school experience. Associations were found between these entities.

Author Biographies

Marcela Guapacha Montoya, Universidad Católica de Manizales

Médica general. Especialista en estadística aplicada. Manizales. Caldas.

Andrés Camilo Delgado Reyes, Universidad Surcolombiana

Psicólogo, especialista en neuropsicopedagogía, magíster en neuropsicología. Universidad Surcolombiana.


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