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Rapid screening for depression in patients with heart failure

Rapid screening for depression in patients with heart failure


  • Yaliana Tafurt Cardona Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA, Calle 10 No. 6-41, Neiva - Huila, Colombia.
  • Andrés Felipe Morales-Casadiego
  • Santiago Campbell-Quintero Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA, Neiva-Huila, Colombia
  • Nelson Hermida-Gutiérrez Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA, Neiva-Huila, Colombia


The depression in patients with heart failure (HF) is frequent, persistent, unrecognized and deadly. It generates progressive loss of autonomy, associated with deterioration of quality of life and increased poor prognosis of the disease. The Objective this study was identified depressive symptoms in patients with heart failure, using the EPD.3PO rapid test. A cross sectional descriptive, non-probabilistic observational study. One hundred patients, over 18 years old, with stable heart failure, without depression, where recruited for this study in a clinic in Florencia Caqueta, Colombia. Previous signature a voluntary consent demographic data was taken and the EPD 3PO rapid test was applied to each patient in order to find depressive symptoms in these patients.  According to the results of the rapid test EPD.3PO rapid test 64% of patients answered positively to the question: Have you felt sad or hopeless? 38% answered affirmatively to the question Have you presented a loss of interest in carrying out daily activities?  And 17% to, have you thought about giving up living?  Had a positive answer, so the test was positive for majority of patients who was applied. The results indicate that patients with heart failure should have undetected depressive symptoms so the EPD 3PO rapid test could be an important screening tool the do an early detection of depression on this type o patients.  



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