Student Movements in the Brazilian School Context and the Perspective of Critical School Psychology
A Systematic Review
Student Guild; Student Movement; School PsychologyAbstract
The article sought to carry out a systematic review of the literature on the student movement in Brazil, published between 2015 and 2022, with the aim of quantifying articles on this subject and how the role of school psychology in the Brazilian secondary student movement is approached. The research was carried out in 4 stages: bibliographic search in 5 journal platforms, exclusion by title and duplicate articles, categorization of studies by area of knowledge and analysis of articles in the area of Psychology. The total number of articles initially found was 422. After applying some inclusion and exclusion criteria, we analyzed 16 articles. From the results obtained, it was possible to see the prevalence of empirical and qualitative research, mainly studying secondary school occupations and experiences of building student unions in schools. Finally, it can be concluded that the subject studied, being an interdisciplinary phenomenon, is still little explored by psychology. However, the results obtained in the review indicate that student participation in the school political process is of fundamental importance, as a materialization of the school's objective of creating developing subjects who are capable of acting in social, ethical and political transformation.
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