Alterations in the executive functions of the Colombian population exposed to traumatic events caused by the armed conflict
executive functions, memory, traumatic event, cognitive impairment, attack, armed conflictAbstract
Colombia has suffered an internal conflict that has lasted more than 60 years, leaving a total of 8,775,884 direct victims of the armed conflict, figures ranging from 1984 to 2018.
As a result of this situation, the objective of this research is to conduct a documentary review of the studies published in Colombia on the state of the executive functions of the Colombian population exposed to traumatic events caused by the armed conflict.
To carry out the selection of research, the guidelines set out in the PRISMA flowchart version 2020 were used, the search for research was carried out in the databases Dialnet, Scielo, Science Direct and Redalyc, concluding with a search in Google Scholar, leaving 14 documents for the review.
During the analysis, it was identified that executive functions present alterations as a result of one or more traumatic experiences caused by the armed conflict, where alterations in working memory, inhibitory response and cognitive flexibility stand out.
On the other hand, it was observed that evaluating only the executive functions does not account for the global affectations generated in individuals by the experience of trauma.
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