Beliefs in misinformation about COVID-19 and dengue in a sample of the Rio de Janeiro State
Misinformation, Vaccine Hesitancy, Political Ideology, Ivermectin, Genetically Modified OrganismsAbstract
Considering the dengue epidemic in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and the widespread dissemination of misinformation related to COVID-19 and dengue, this study aims to investigate in a sample of the RJ State: 1) possible differences in levels of belief in misinformation about COVID-19 and dengue; 2) associations between sociodemographic, health-related outcomes and beliefs in misinformation; 3) reasons to believe in misinformation. We performed a cross-sectional opinion online survey using quantitative and qualitative data retrieved from 180 adults who live in RJ. Participants answered a self-report questionnaire about sociodemographic and health-related outcomes. Next, they rated as true or false and inform why they believe or not in six misinformation. Our findings indicate that RJ population believe more in COVID-19 than dengue misinformation. Furthermore, for each unity increase in number of received COVID-19 vaccine doses, there is an increase of 277% in the odds of the individuals not believing in misinformation about COVID-19. Right-wingers and individuals who do not intent to receive or administer vaccines in their child, are moderately to strongly more prone to believe in misinformation. The main reasons for believing or not in the misinformation were associated with trust in vaccines and health professionals.
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