Perspective Taking in Children Between 3 and 7 years Belonging A Social Media Poor In Colombia


  • Raimundo Abello Llanos Universidad del Norte
  • Salomón Magendzo Kolestrein Universidad Academia del Humanismo Cristiano


The work with children from social and economical disadvantageous surroundings -an aspect associated to this research- has been largely studied in the Colombian Caribbean Coast region which presents high poverty rates, not only in its rural zones but also in its cities in which slummy areas have been created and, now, they are growing. These areas are composed by the so called subnormal dwellings. As a consequence, the necessity of studying some aspects related to the social knowledge of children belonging to these sectors arises.

The interest was centred on children between 3 and 7, from different cities from the Colombian Caribbean Coast, and who attended the Community Homes Program of the Colombian Familiar Welfare Institute, that is the modality of Integral Care of Neglected Childhood in Colombia.

In doing this, 268 children belonging to the Community Homes Program of the Colombian Familiar Welfare Institute, were chosen according to previously defined criteria. The Community Homes belonged to the most social and economic deprived zones from Barranquilla, Santa Marta and Sincelejo, four cities on the Colombian Caribbean Coast (capital cities from the departments of Atlantico, Magdalena and Sucre, respectively). Three groups were formed taking into account children’s ages (3.6 to 4.5, 4.6 to 5.5, and 5.6 to 6.5), and following an only group ex post facto design, these children were applied a series of instruments to measure the cognitive, communicative and affective perspective taking according to a rigorous and systematic procedure which started from the determination of the construct validity of the applied instruments.

Once the data was collected, they were analyzed firstly by describing them, according to the categories of analysis, and then by using the proportions statistics, in order to determine the significant differences between sex and age, as well as the differences among the different categories of perspective taking. This analysis permitted to analyzed what kind of perspective taking was favored by the social surrounding to which these children belonged.

It was found that there is a total absence of cognitive perspective taking in these children and that the affective perspective and feelings comprehension is much stronger and striking in the analyzed data. This shows that the social surrounding to which these children belong favors a cognitive perspective taking rather than a cognitive perspective which is linked to the cognitive structure and domains.

Author Biographies

Raimundo Abello Llanos, Universidad del Norte

Psicólogo. Doctor en Educación, Universidad Academia del Humanismo Cristiano. Director de Investigaciones y Proyectos de la Universidad del Norte e investigador del Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Humano (CIDHUM).

Salomón Magendzo Kolestrein, Universidad Academia del Humanismo Cristiano

Psicólogo. Doctor en Psicología y Master en Ciencias de Pennsylvania State University (Estados Unidos). Profesor-investigador de la Universidad Academia del Humanismo Cristiano.


