Political Violence And Its Effect On The Psychosocial Identity Of Displaced Children, The Case Of The Cangrejera


  • Camilo Madariaga Orozco Universidad del Norte
  • Luz Dary Gallardo Bayona Universidad del Norte
  • Flavia Marina Salas Fernández Universidad del Norte
  • Edna Margarita Santamaría Barrios Universidad del Norte


This research aims to describe and know in which way political violence has effects on the psychosocial identity of displaced children of the invasion slum “La Cangrejera” in “La Playa” (a small village near Barranquilla, Colombia).

Political violence has been a part of our history and along the last 50 years has been worsening the displacement phenomenon, which has made more than 1.500 people to emigrate from their origin place. As studies on this problem have claimed the most affected and injured population has been childhood, which would impede the necessary conditions to the development of their psychosocial identity. This allows to structure both the cultural and the ethnic elements, the internationalisation of symbols, codes, life beliefs that permit the human being to identify as an unique being able to live in a social framework.

The information was collected through focal groups and life histories of 23 10-12 years-old children. Results show that at a behavioural level but not at a cognitive one, the children of displaced families in this village have lost some aspects of their psychosocial identity with respect to habits and customs such as feeding, upbringing habits, and cultural and religious festivities. The aspects children have not lost are those related to membership feeling: personal investment, identification, affective links and shared symbols.

Author Biographies

Camilo Madariaga Orozco, Universidad del Norte

Psicólogo; Doctor en Educación; investigador de la línea de Redes Sociales del CIDHUM, Universidad del Norte.

Luz Dary Gallardo Bayona, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga de la Universidad del Norte

Flavia Marina Salas Fernández, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga de la Universidad del Norte

Edna Margarita Santamaría Barrios, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga de la Universidad del Norte


