Family With Spousal Violence And Its Relationship With the Self-Concept Formation


  • Maritza Ruiz De Vargas Universidad del Norte
  • Carmen Ropero Universidad del Norte
  • José Juan Amar Amar Universidad del Norte
  • María Amarís Universidad del Norte


The family is an intermediary between man and society. It represents the major educating influence for children and it is determined by the socialcultural context conditions. The violence rate in Colombia has spread to al1the spaces in society, and the family has been the most injured with the consequence of affecting the deve10pment of children personality. Our aim is 10 investigate the existing relationship between families with marital violence and the self-concept deve10pment of 5-6 year old children belonging to low social-economical level. A descriptive-comparative design was used. The sample consists of 23 families consulting the Comisaría Segunda de Familia. Children were applied the PAl se1f-pereeption scale, and parents were interviewed in order to know the social-cultural conditions and their relation with the children. As a conclusion, we found out that the self-concept valuation in al1 areas was positive1y rated by either boys and girls coming from families presenting marital violence. So, the existence of high levels of violence in a family not necessarily implies a negative incidence in the development of self-concept, as long as the child is not the victim of such aggression and his/her physical and psycho-affective development has been normal.

Author Biographies

Maritza Ruiz De Vargas, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Magíster en Desarrollo Familiar de la Universidad del Norte. Dirección: Universidad del Norte Departamento de Psicología.

Carmen Ropero, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Magíster en Desarrollo Familiar de la Universidad del Norte. Dirección: Vanylon, Departamento de Recursos Humanos

José Juan Amar Amar, Universidad del Norte

PhD. en Psicología Social de Columbia Pacific University. Consultor de la UNESCO en educación Inicial de la Oficina Regional para la Salud y el Caribe. Decano de la División de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Norte

María Amarís, Universidad del Norte

Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación con énfasis en Desarrollo social, Universidad de París Xli, Francia, Magísteren Proyectos de Desarrollo Social, Universidad del Norte.


