Family, Educational and Political Factors Associated With Violence In Youth from Urban Sector Municipality Of Swamp (Magdalena)


  • Delaney Marcela Correa Universidad del Norte
  • Nancy Patricia Manjarrés M. Universidad del Norte
  • Janine Montes Fontalvo Universidad del Norte
  • Carmen Rosa Polo Suárez Universidad del Norte


This article is the result of a research leading to the description and knowledge of the family, educational and political factors associated with violence in a group of youngsters of the urban area of Cienaga – Magdalena municipality (a vil1age located on the North Coast of Colombia). Violence has been a long burden in Colombia. It has directly and indirectly involved all colombians, especially young people who are considered a vulnerable group permanently facing marginalization and discrimination. Currently, violence is present in all areas of society such as the family, and educational and political environments. This phenomenon was viewed from a multivariable perspective having into account aspects forming pan of individual social life. A fact description of facts was made based on the principles of qualitative research. Data collection was performed by means of participating observations, semi-structured interviews, and focal group interviews. Additional tools, such as field notes and audiovisual records, were used to deepen into the knowledge of traditions, habitat, activities and beliefs of 100 young people between .14-26 living in Cienaga municipality.

Author Biographies

Delaney Marcela Correa, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga Universidad del Norte

Nancy Patricia Manjarrés M., Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga de la Universidad del Norte

Janine Montes Fontalvo, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga de la Universidad del Norte

Carmen Rosa Polo Suárez, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga de la Universidad del Norte


