Protective Factors: A Contribution From The Community Investigative Psychology Of Health


  • José Amar Amar Universidad del Norte
  • Raimundo Abello Llanos Universidad del Norte
  • Carolina Acosta Universidad del Norte


The main worry in the last years, relating to health, infancy and childhood, has been the implementation of prevention strategies strengthening the protective factors in families, schools and local communities aiming to optimize the environmental influences in children development and, at the same time, preventing risks which can affect their life.

This article is supported on the research nucleus of the "Costa Atlántica". Infancy Integral Attention Project from the perspective of Community Health psychology , and it is centered on the study of daily factors of children (age 0-3 years) protection.

Here, the results of the research "Daily factors of children (age O- 3 years) protection in Tasajera and Barranquilla" (Barranquilla is the main city on the Northern Colombia Coast and Tasajera is a small village near Barranquilla). Based on these studies, two categories of protective factors are proposed: a) material or natural ones; and b) immaterial or social ones.

The conc1usion is that the most relevant protective factors in the daily life of families in social and economical disadvantage are: safety, filiations, affectivity, values, norm teaching, role of family members, and access to complementary support services which promote their physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development.

Author Biographies

José Amar Amar, Universidad del Norte

Doctor en Philosophy in Counseling Psychalogy, Ph.D. con grado de mayor en Psicología Social. Director del Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Humano (CIDHUM), grupo de excelencia escalafonado por Colciencias. Decano de la División de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla.

Raimundo Abello Llanos, Universidad del Norte

Psicólogo, Especialista en Diseño y Evaluación de Proyectos de la Universidad del Norte; Doctor en Educación de la Universidad del Humanismo Cristiano de Chile. Director de Investigaciones y Proyectos; docente del programa de Maestría en Desarrollo Social; investigador del Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Humano CIDHUM· de la Universidad del Norte.

Carolina Acosta, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Universidad del Norte.


