Forms and meanings of everyday stories from Caracas


  • Zahiry Martínez Araujo


vida cotidiana, afectos, hermenéutica


On this paper we discuss the affective forms that shape the city of Caracas, from its citizens tell us. Hence, from a Social Psychology interesting on how people make sense on their everyday life, we have tried to understand from the hermeneutic perspective of Gadamer (1977) and Ricoeur (2000), those aesthetics configurations that emerge on the daily stories about the city. We are committed to understand how the city appears through 15 stories that emerged from the questions what does Caracas mean for its inhabitants? and how do they tell it? We found primarily a controversial city: The city that suffers and the city that enjoys. In the first one, emerging senses such as chaos, insecurity, boredom, and the cloven city; in the second one, a light mosaic, the opportunity to feel free, the job security and the revolutionary aesthetic.

Author Biography

Zahiry Martínez Araujo

Psicóloga Clínica Dinámica (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1998); MgS Psicología Social (Universidad Simón Bolívar, 2009). Profesora de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, en el Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología del Comportamiento




