Speaking of beauty and resources figures everyday stories


  • Marisela Hernández H. Universidad Simón Bolivar
  • María Elisa Hernandez A Universidad Simón Bolivar


This paper is part of a wider study aiming to explore forms and senses of beauty in daily life. Among the questions being studied, the following are relevant: In what words and ways is daily beauty described? What could these forms mean? Trying to find answers to these questions, we have interpreted 15 stories and we found figures and resources. The figures suggested are: the right to illusion, from the sublime to trivial, short names used as loving words, ¡oy of senses, color everywhere, torment and pain, manias and other diseases, wholeness and life, good actions, good and bad manners, the perfection, the ugly, the pretentious and the beauty as a source of happiness... The identified resources are: signaling difficulties, talking from my heart, and indifference.

Author Biographies

Marisela Hernández H., Universidad Simón Bolivar

Profesora titular, Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología del Comportamiento, Unidad de Psicología Social y Ambiental, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla (Colombia)

María Elisa Hernandez A, Universidad Simón Bolivar

Licenciado en Psicología. Estudiante de la Maestría en Psicología, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla (Colombia)


