Measures as: teen perspective action in juvenile court


  • Ángela Barrios Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


The aim of this study comes from the interest of knowing how children and adolescents understand one aspect of law dealing with them in connection with the responsibility request for young transgressors. Some sectors of society claim against benevolence towards adolescent offenders who commit serious crimes.

The sample was conformed by 30 adolescents from three age groups: 13, 15 and 17 from two secondary centres in Madrid: half of them belong to the Pradolongo, a centre located in Usera, in the Southern section of Madrid with students of medium-low socio-economic level. The other half belonged to San Isidro de Sevilla Centre located in the centre of Madrid with medium socio-economic level. Interviews and case analysis were the techniques used to explore and analyse the phenomenon under study.

In this first part of the research, results are oriented to deepen into the knowledge and comprehension the adolescents under study have regarding the measures that could be taken in relation of the crimes committed by them.

At first these results analyze the Proposed Measures and search the actions that the participant determines for hypothetical cases of transgressing behavior, as well as other aspects regarding the intervention: justification of the action proposed and the considered and necessary information to determine the action proposed.

Participants proposed varied responses to the transgressing behavior of the tour hypothetical cases presented. Some of the answers mentioned by participants that agree with or are included in the judiciary measures correspond to the following categories: Reprimanding, formation, surveillance, work, confinement and psychological assistance, fine and deprivation.

The answers can be grouped in three categories to be analyzed throughout the study

Author Biography

Ángela Barrios, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


