Characterization of bullying in a sample of schools in Barranquilla (Colombia)


  • Olga Hoyos Universidad del Norte
  • José Aparicio Universidad del Norte
  • Paola Córdoba Universidad del Norte


The present investigation describes the incidence of the different manifestations of the Bullying, in a sample of schools of the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). The incidence Bullying was determined starting from an applied questionnaire to a sample of 332 students, men and women, of the secondary basic school, of the grades 6º at 9º. The general incidence, and a characterization of the phenomenon is described in the schools of the city from the perspective of its main characters (aggressors, victims and witness), and to the circumstances in those that it is presented.

Author Biographies

Olga Hoyos, Universidad del Norte

Doctor en Psicología, Universidad del Norte.

José Aparicio, Universidad del Norte

Magister en Desarrollo Psicológico y Aprendizaje, Universidad del Norte.

Paola Córdoba, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Universidad del Norte; asistente de investigación en el proyecto “Jóvenes Gestores capital social”, financiado por la Gobernación del Atlántico y Unicef.


