Analytical literature review on the cultural elements of the family of Kogi and Wayuu Amerindians


  • María Amarís Macías Universidad del Norte
  • Juliana Cepeda Garzón Universidad del Norte


The aim (lens) is to realize one they investigated analytical in the cultural aspects of the family of the Amerindian peoples Kogi and Wayúu. In this population I determine the essence of the subject matter, for the first ones it is the “blood” (kinship matrilineal) materialized by the payment, in the second ones it is the fecundity realized by the act of poporear and the territoriality; one and other one relate to the system contribution of reciprocity of Levis - Straus. In both the cycle of the family is constant, nevertheless, the Kogi possess system closed with subsystems desligamiento and in the Wayuu the system is opened by agglutinate subsystems.

One found discrepancy in the characterization of the Wayuu as society of matriarchy; he (she) concludes with Carranza’s offer of (1997) in the existence of matrilinealidad. In the Kogi the magnitudes of the transformations concern the family, which makes these vulnerable to changes in his (her, your) internal dynamics.

In both cultures the topic is established, as unit that determines the sense of ethnic, at the time identity extrapola the subject matter in the concept of the socialization, in the population it is realized across the rites of puberty and the marriage (couple). Then “the family stamps on his (her, your) members a sense of identity.” (Minuchin, 1986).

Author Biographies

María Amarís Macías, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Universidad del Norte; Magister en Desarrollo Social, Universidad del

Norte; Matrice de Sciencies de L’Educaction. Option «Development Social», Universidad de París XII val de Marne. Profesora del Departamento de Psicología, Universidad del Norte.

Juliana Cepeda Garzón, Universidad del Norte

Estudiante de la Especialización en Psicóloga Clínica, Universidad del Norte.


