Bonds of attachment in child victims of family violence.


  • José Amar Amar Universidad del Norte
  • Margarita Berdugo de Gómez Universidad del Norte


The objective of this investigation was to describe attachment relation that children who are victims of active or passive domestic violence establish with the people around them. The study was done with a sample of 27 children between the ages of 9 and 12, who live in sectors of levels 1 and 2 in Barranquilla. The Grounded Theory method of Glasser & Strauss (1967) was chosen for this investigation, and it was useful for establishing postures from the children’s interpretations of their attachment relation with their parents, caregivers or other people of their environment. Following these guidelines, a semi-structured interview was designed. It contained four categories of analysis: Con?dence, Comprehension of Feelings, Intimacy and Availability. The results determined, in ?rst instance, the active presence of different people and contexts in the life of these children that go beyond the nuclear family. These subsidiary ?gures, like grandparents, uncles, cousins, brothers or sisters who play parental roles, friends, neighbors, and teachers, among others, are perceived as people who help them create a self-image, offer affection and con?dence and look out for them. They help to mitigate the basic de?ciencies of an inadequate relationship with parents. It was also found that children who were victims of active domestic violence perceive a greater rejection from their main caregivers than victims of passive domestic violence. This fact is related to a greater search for acceptance and demonstration of their worthiness from other ?gures, such as their friends or other adults

Author Biographies

José Amar Amar, Universidad del Norte

Psicólogo, Sociólogo e Historiador. Ph.D con grado de mayor en psicología social de Columbia Pacific University. Director del Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Humano (CIDHUM) de la Universidad del Norte.

Margarita Berdugo de Gómez, Universidad del Norte

Magíster en Psicología, Universidad del Norte.


