Agendas of the prevailing political psychology in the past two decades (1986-2006) in Latin America


  • Álvaro Díaz Gómez Universidad de Manizales


Presenting a theorical reflection about what would be the suggested agendas for the reinforcement and development of Latin America’s political psychology in the 80’s and 90’s decades, and establishing a new agenda that would develop all the thematical, disciplinary and in research discussions that have emerged during this time. Due to this, some aspects like reintorcement of academic community; formal presence in psychology undergraduate and graduate studies; creation of difussion mecanisms; different horizons about what political psychology is; researches that allow the theorical-methods enrichment and breaking up of the traditional paradigms.

Author Biography

Álvaro Díaz Gómez, Universidad de Manizales

Candidato a doctor en Educación de la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Estudiante del doctorado en Ciencias sociales, niñez y juventud de la Universidad de Manizales – CINDE. Profesor auxiliar del Departamento de Humanidades e Idiomas de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira e integrante del grupo de investigación Arte y Cultura, escalafonado en categoría A de COLCIENCIAS. Instructor asociado de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Manizales.


