Characterization of psycho-affective development in school children between 6 and 12 years of low socioeconomic status of the city of Barranquilla


  • Luz Elena López Universidad del Norte


In this descriptive study the researcher took a random sample of 125 children of both sex of first, second, third and fourth grade of the Educative institution San Vicente de Paul, which is located in a low economical level in Barranquilla. The age or the students is between 6 and 12 years odl. It was applied the projective personality test Wartegg to these children, as well as an observational technique designed by the researcher. The general objetive of the research was to know the characteristics of the psychoaffetive development of these children from a psychodynamic perspective. It was found two significant results: difficulties related to displacement of the libidinal energy, which interferes in the possibilities to develop better interpersonal relationships, and in the development of lew competitive activities. Also, according to the sex of the children, there are not significant aspects in the psychoaffective development between boys and girls.

Author Biography

Luz Elena López, Universidad del Norte

Especialista en Psicología Clínica, Universidad del Norte. Magister en Psicología Docente, Universidad del Norte - Universidad Simón Bolívar.


