Health, Illness and Psychotherapy in Existential Psychology of Rollo May


  • Alberto De Castro Universidad del Norte


Existential Psychology, Rollo May, existential psychotherapy


The aim of this paper is to show how existential psychology permits us to understand man situation in the present historical and cultural period, because it not only contextualizes the psychological and existential dilemmas of human being, but it also proposes an integrating and humanistic view regarding to health, disease, and psychotherapy. It reevaluates concepts used in Psychology such as anxiety, guilty, freedom and decision, giving them an ontological sense and placing them in a position where man must assume them with compromise in order to be able to develop his creative ability in a constructive way. Its efforts aims to solve the existent conflict between objective and subjective trends in Science. To do this, it examines the techniques and the understanding and the assumotions on which these trends are based


