Design of the Multidimensional Scale of Affective Disorders EMTA: Psychometric Analysis of Reliability and Validity - Pilot Version


  • Daniella Abello Luque Corporación Universitaria de la Costa
  • Omar Fernando Cortés Peña Corporación Universitaria de la Costa


The purpose of this research was to construct and validate a scale that measures affective disorders. The pilot sample consisted of 100 subjects of the University Corporation for Costa de Barranquilla, Colombia, 81.00% female and 19.00% male, aged between 18 and 44 years. The scale initially contained in the depression subscale items 1-57 and 58-93 mania subscale. Scale has concluded assessing depressive symptoms (items 1-47), the second of which seeks to assess in turn cut manic symptoms. (Items 52-80). The symptoms listed in items 48 to 51 and 81 to 85 respectively. Seek to assess intensity and chronicity of a more specific way. SPSS Cronbach Alpha indicates the index obtained in the depression subscale was equal to (?: 0.942) and mania subscale was equal to (?: 0.834). To identify the level of mania or depression subjects each of the subscales evaluated ranges low, medium and high. For the depression subscale was identified, the classification ranges are at a low level for 81% of the means and 19% cases. In the mania subscale classification ranges are at a low level for 82% of cases and the average 18%




