Early maladaptive schema and irrational beliefs in a group of gay men from Santa Marta, Colombia


  • Fernando Robert Ferrel Ortega Docente de Tiempo Completo de la Facultad de Psicología y la Maestría en Desarrollo Integral de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, seccional Santa Marta. Colombia
  • Jennifer González Ortiz Pisóloga Egresada Universidad del Magdalena. Santa Marta, Colombia. SENA.
  • Yohelys Padilla Mazeneth Psicóloga, egresada Universidad del Magdalena. Santa Marta, Colombia. CRUZ ROJA.


This research aimed to establish the presence and degree of relationship between two dysfunctional cognitive factors: Irrational Beliefs and early maladaptive schemas (EMT), in a group of gay men in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia. We used a correlational research type in a sample of 196 gay men, 25 to 40 years old, with a mean of 28.2 years, who were selected by the method of “snowball” because it was unaware of the total population. We applied two tests: the IBT(Irrational Beliefs Test), Jones, R. G. (1968), the Young Schema Questionnaire Long Form -Second Edition (YSQ-L2), Young (1990), validated for the Colombian population (Castrillón, Chaves, Ferrer, Londoño, Master, Marin, and Schnitter, 2005) and, Interview by authors designed four. Was taken as significant those beliefs that prevailed on 50% of the population. We found no significant presence of irrational beliefs, still the influence of the past belief that more approached 50%, with 44% at the upper limit. We found two prevailing EMT: entrapment (43%) and emotional inhibition (35%). It was established that the majority irrational belief and the two EMT found, not associated. We conclude that people or past events that have been important or crucial to define their sexual orientation does not necessarily tied to them, they can pursue happiness and support from other groups, such as frequenting gay community, according to the interview. These results are similar to those found for other related studies. We suggest further research with other variables and tests.

Author Biography

Fernando Robert Ferrel Ortega, Docente de Tiempo Completo de la Facultad de Psicología y la Maestría en Desarrollo Integral de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, seccional Santa Marta. Colombia

Docente de Tiempo Completo de la Facultad de Psicología y la Maestría en Desarrollo Integral de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, seccional Santa Marta. Colombia. Investigador del Grupo de "Estudios del suicidio, conductas de riesgo sexual y comportamiento organizacional", Universidad del Magdalena, clasificado B por COLCIENCIAS.




