Social representation of the psychologist in the area of health: a qualitative study in the faculty of health sciences at the university of Magdalena


  • Maryluz Gómez Plata
  • Guisella Chamorro Molina Grupo de Investigacion Cognición y Educacion Universidad del Magdalena
  • Kelly Obispo Salazar Grupo de Investigacion Cognición y Educacion Universidad del Magdalena
  • Yamilena Parra Villa Docente Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
  • Carmelina Paba Barbosa Docente Universidad del Magdalena, Directora del Grupo de Investigación Cognición y Educación
  • Ubaldo Rodríguez de Ávila Docente Universidad del Magdalena, miembro del grupo de investigacion Cognicion y Educacion


Psicologo, Representacion Social


The present investigation was to describe the Social Representation (RS) that the psychologist in the area of health is professionals teachers of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Magdalena. The design was qualitative, from the perspective of ethnomethodology, which allowed us to understand the nature and process of construction of the Social Representation. Techniques for data collection were focus group and semi structured interview. The sample consisted of 16 professionals teachers in the area and the number of subjects was determined from the “Criterion of saturation of the sample”. The description of the information and attitudinal elements, framed within a structure as possible to identify the main elements of the representation of the psychologist in the Guidance and Support.

Author Biography

Carmelina Paba Barbosa, Docente Universidad del Magdalena, Directora del Grupo de Investigación Cognición y Educación

Doctora en Psicologia, Docente de tiempo completo de la Universidad del Magdalena, Directora del Grupo Cognición y Educacion




