Values as a Mediational System for Self-Construction: Contributions from Cultural Constructivism


  • Francisco José Rengifo-Herrera Departamento de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasilia
  • Angela Uchoa Branco


Cultural-constructivism, human values, dialogical self


The text provides the reader with some theoretical reflections on human values in their relationship to self development from a culturalconstructivist perspective. We emphasize that the concept of self has theoretical aspects that need to be explored to advance alternative explanations about values. Our perspective emphasizes the dynamics of duality and inclusive separation of psychological processes taking place between subject and culture, as well as the role of semiotic systems in the emergence, organization, and development of values. We will address the development of self, here conceived as dialogical self, as well as how constructive and non-constructive values can enable us to better understand the emergence and role of emotions in human development. Finally, the analysis of certain biographical aspects of a former Colombian guerrilla illustrates and highlights the main conceptsdiscussed throughout the text.

Author Biography

Francisco José Rengifo-Herrera, Departamento de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasilia

Francisco José Rengifo-Herrera is a Colombian-born psychologist. Over the last decade he did research and teaching in the area of developmental and cognitive psychology. He obtained his Masters in Cognitive Psychology and Learning at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and in recent years he has been working from a cultural constructivist approach. He is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at LABMIS (Laboratory of Microgenesis in Social Interactions) of the Institute of Psychology, University of Brasilia. His work seeks to understand the development of values in Colombians and Brazilians children.




