Evaluation of rejection toward homosexuality in students of medicine and psychology based on three conceptually related scales
Homofobia, homonegatividad, prejuicioAbstract
The aim of this paper was to describe the level of rejection toward homosexuality in Northeast Mexican students of medicine and psychology based on three related concepts: attitude, homophobia and internalized homonegativity. The scales of attitude toward lesbians and gay men (ATLG),internalized homonegativity (HNI-16), and homophobia (HF-8) were applied to a non-probability sample of 231 participants (121 women and 103 men). From the total scores, the percentages of rejection toward homosexuality varied from 12 to 38% depending on the assessment instrument (HF-8 and HNI-16, respectively), varying the percentages of extreme (homophobic) rejection from 1 (ATLG and HF-8) to 3% (HNI-16). The highest averages were found on the scales and factors that evaluate subtle rejection. It was also observed greater rejection toward gay men than toward lesbians, andgreater rejection toward homosexuality in one’s own gender in women. It is concluded that the level of homophobia is low, but an attitude of subtle rejection persists in a significant proportion of cases. Working subtle rejection in sexual diversity workshops is suggested to raise awareness about this rejection, generate empathy toward those who suffer it, and increase resistance to its automatic activation during clinical situations.Downloads
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