What´s new about studies in problem solving in Infants and Toddlers? Balance and perspectives


  • Elda Cerchiaro
  • Rebeca Puche Navarro Grupo Cognición y Desarrollo Representacional de la Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia


Solución de problemas, niños caminadores, situaciones de resolución de problemas, funcionamientos inferenciales


This paper presents a review of previous research on problem solving in children at the end of the first year through the third year of age (‘toddlers’), which highlights methodological issues associated with the design, type of tasks used and results to which they lead. In contrast we present a methodological option for the study of cognitive development in children, focusing on the use of Problem Solving Situations (SRP) with an approach microgenetic, in a version developed by the Group C&DR, and whose main strength is to understand how the child’s problem comprehension emerges in real-time. We take into consideration its benefits as a flexible and powerful tool to describe changes in cognitive performances in young children.

Author Biography

Rebeca Puche Navarro, Grupo Cognición y Desarrollo Representacional de la Universidad del Valle, Cali-Colombia

Psicologa, Doctora en Psicología-Universidad de Ginebra. Profesora Jubilada de la Universidad del Valle.




