Psycho-social characteristics of sexually exploited adolescent women in Barranquilla


  • María Amarís Universidad del Norte
  • Darling Alvarado
  • Amanda Díaz
  • Karhya Henríquez
  • Paola Noguera


Competencia psicosical, adolescentes explotadas, Psycho-social, environment, competency


For the development of the research, the basic elements of the psycho-social competency were divided into categories of psycho-social characteriscs, that facilitated their evaluation, as follows: psycho-social and physical support, psycho-social and physical threats, adult activities, basic needs and family composition. These categories were examined through an open interview based on a questionnaire and a focal group which enabled a more profound analysis of the answers provided by the sexually exploited adolescems in reladon to their personal and social strengths, and to their problems in the environment where they live. The results show that the sexually exploited adolescents have some of the psycho-social characteristics studied by Forrest Tyler, who is the author of the theoretic proposal that supported this study, but that they do not manage to integrate them efficiently, and therefore they are not competent.

from the psycho-social point of view.

Key words: Psycho-social, environment, competency.

Author Biographies

María Amarís, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Universidad del Norte. Magisrer en Desarrollo Social, Universidad del Norte. Matrice de Sciencies de L'Education. Option "Development Social", Universidad de París XII val de Marne

Darling Alvarado

Psicóloga egresada de la Facultad de Psicologla de la Universidad del Norte

Amanda Díaz

Psicóloga egresada de la Facultad de Psicologla de la Universidad del Norte

Karhya Henríquez

Psicóloga egresada de la Facultad de Psicologla de la Universidad del Norte

Paola Noguera

Psicóloga egresada de la Facultad de Psicologla de la Universidad del Norte


