Social Networks, for what purpose?


  • Raimundo Abello Llanos Universidad del Norte
  • Camilo Madariaga Orozco Universidad Del Norte


Redes sociales, pobreza, políticas sociales, social nets, poverty, social politics


This article is the result of an analysis about the research of social networks that were generated from a research line in this same topic. Previous research about social networks and which were carried out for severa! years in poverty stricken sectors in the north coast of Colombia, were used as a basis.

Since these studies were carried out independently, it was necessary to compile. order and organize them in order to make one coherent paper, which facilitates the understanding and the interpretation of the phenomenon of the Social Networks.

The various networks studied constituted a sample of the networks that are developed in those sectors of Colombia and they helped to organize theoretic elements that could be useful nor only for psychologists but for sociologists, politicians, and public administrators as well, who are interested from different points of view in the social behavior of the individual, in the organization nature and effects of social networks, and their usefulness not only for the individual and particular benefit, but for the benefit of the communities in general.

Key words: Social nets, poverty, social politics.

Author Biographies

Raimundo Abello Llanos, Universidad del Norte

Psicólogo. Doctor en Educación. Investigador de la Iínea de Redes Sociales del Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Humano. CIDHUM, de la Universidad del Norte.

Camilo Madariaga Orozco, Universidad Del Norte

Psicólogo. Doctor en Educación. Investigador de la lnea de Redes Sociales del CIDHUM, Universidad del Norte.




