National identity: some remarks about the implications of its psychological construction


  • Olga Lucía Hoyos de los Ríos Universidad del Norte


Nación, Nacionalismo, Identidad Nacional, Ser psicológico, Nation, Nationalism, National Identity, Psychological Being


This paper describes the historical evolution of the term ‘nation’ from the XVIII Century, when it appeared in Europe, to present times. Then, the concept of nationalism as an ideological movement which aims to achieve or to hold the autonomy, unity and identity of a social group considered as part of a nation, is analyzed from different points of view. Besides, Kohn’s typology of nationalisms is described. Then, the concept of national identity is discussed making emphasis on the practical importance its study has. Key words: Nation, Nationalism, National Identity, Psychological Being

Author Biography

Olga Lucía Hoyos de los Ríos, Universidad del Norte

de la Universidad del Norte; candidata a doctor en «Desarrollo psico- lógico y aprendizaje escolar» en el Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


