Identification of psychosocial risk factors of a clinic livel III staff in the city of Cali.
Objective: To identify psychosocial factors outside and inside work of a health institution staff that provides high complexity services (level III) in the city of Cali. Methodology: The study is descriptive with a transversal design. Form A and B of the questionnaire inside work Psychosocial Risk Factors and Risk Factor Questionnaire Psychosocial outside work (Ministry of Social Protection, 2010) to a sample of 183 workers were applied. Results: The domains where risk is greater are psychosocial job demands and job control. Outside work, the highest risk conditions are: time off from work, household economic status, housing characteristics and their environment, housing and shift - work. Conclusion: at general level it was found that the clinic is in a high level of psychosocial risk, thus implementing an Epidemiological Surveillance Program Psychosocial Risk is required to prevent stress responses and associated diseases.
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