Metacognitive processes of student with different learning styles


  • Marbel Lucía Gravini Donado Universidad Simón Bolivar
  • Fernando Iriarte Diazgranados Universidad del Norte


Procesos metacognitivos, estilos de aprendizaje, plani- ficación, control y evaluación/ Key words, Metacognitive processes, learning styles, planning, control and evaluation.


The objective of this study was to understand metacognitive processes of students with different learning styles. Metacognitive processes of planning, control and evaluation applied by active, re?exive, theoretical and pragmatic students (classi?cation by Honey - Munford), were analyzed from Flavell’s theoretical perspective. The purest categories were explored, employing the CHAEA Learning Styles instrument, in order to focus the attention on metacognitive strategies utilized by 4 students of the Psychology program at Universidad Simón Bolívar of Barranquilla. This process was investigated and described deeply in those subjects. Qualitative techniques were interviews and ?eld diaries and the information was contrasted through triangulation. The re?exive and theoretical students presented metacognitive processes upon carrying out an academic task in a more explicit way than the pragmatic and active students. In this last case these processes are not found consolidated in the academic activities that the students develop.

Key words: Metacognitive processes, learning styles, planning, control and evaluation.


