Analysis of conceptual categories associated with type of ads and effect of the previous visual-verbal material


  • Marithza Sandoval Escobar Universidad Konrad Lorenz
  • Omar Fernando Cortés Peña Universidad Konrad Lorenz
  • Beatriz Barragán Universidad Konrad Lorenz


Comerciales, efectos de la publicidad, emociones, contenido emocional, activación previa, humor, erotismo.



This experiment aimed at identifying the type of denominations associated to five types of ads: positive affection, negative affection, humor, news – non emotional and erotic. For this effect a task was designed in which 48 subjects applied five adjectives to each of twenty (20) ads. The order of presentation of the ads was controlled using four different random sequences and subjects were also assigned randomly to each order of presentation. Additionally, the effect of the type of material previous to the test was investigated. The results showed that ads of positive and informative affection in the task of selection of denominations, conformed direct and clearly delimited categories; but ads of negative affection, humor and erotic, fell on diffuse categories with juxtaposed limits. However, in the open questions, the participants described emotional negative ads with strong emotional effects as well as high elaboration of the message, which explain that the juxtaposition occurred with the non emotional and informative commercial labels associated with. The type of material previous to the exhibition of ads did not affect the later task.

As a conclusion the type of emotion handled in each ad influences the attention of the message and that this understanding is lower when we make use of positive emotions, humor and eroticism.

Key words: Ads, effects of the advertisement, emotions, emotional content, previous activation, humor, eroticism.


