Frequency of pediatric dentomaxilar anomalies in orthodontics belonging to the Barros Luco Trudeau healthcare complex, Chile.




Malocclusion, Orthodontics, Epidemiology, Dental anomalies, Pediatrics, Interceptive.


Introduction: Dentomaxilar anomalies (DMA) are the third most common oral pathology in Chile.

Objective: determine the frequency of dentomaxilar anomalies observed in patients attended in the Department of Orthodontics of Dental Specialties Service (DSS) belonging to the Barros Luco Trudeau Healthcare Complex, Santiago, Chile. The population belongs to pediatric patients between 5 and 15 years of age who have DMA, treated in the southern metropolitan health service.

Method: The sample of 250 patients with DMA, was chosen from April to September of the year 2019, therefore, it is a sample for convenience, the data was extracted anonymously from the clinical records. The classification of the anomalies was carried out using the Bonn’s biogenetic method modified by the University of Chile.

Result: It was observed that the most frequent intermaxillary DMA of the sample is in the transverse direction and corresponds to the unilateral crossbite, on the other hand, the most frequent intramaxillary DMA is the alteration of dentoalveolar size by large tooth. All intermaxillary DMA agreed to be more frequent at the age of 9 years.

Conclusion: It was possible to determine the distribution of the DMA frequencies in patients treated in the DSS, with the present study it is intended to make a contribution for future studies that use similar methodologies.

Author Biographies

Francisca paulina Keith Álvarez

Academic titles: DDS Universidad San Sebastian. Complejo asistencial Hospital
Barros Luco Trudeau. Gran Avenida Jose Miguel Carrera 3204, San Miguel,
Región Metropolitana de Chile.

Javiera Paz Scheu Sandoval, hospital barros luco trudeau

DDS Universidad Mayor. Complejo asistencial Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau. Gran
Avenida Jose Miguel Carrera 3204, San Miguel, Región Metropolitana Santiago
de Chile.

Jose danton Moreno navarro, Hospital barros luco trudeau

DDS Universidad de Chile, Orthodontist CONACEO. Complejo asistencial Hospital
Barros Luco Trudeau. Gran Avenida Jose Miguel Carrera 3204, San Miguel, Región
Metropolitana Santiago de Chile.

Victor Patricio Diaz Narváez, Universidad andres bello

Ph.D Universidad Andres Bello. School of Dentistry. Universidad Andres Bello. Av. República 239, Santiago,
Región metropolitana de Chile.



How to Cite

Keith Álvarez, F. paulina, Scheu Sandoval, J. P., Moreno navarro, J. danton, & Diaz Narváez, V. P. (2022). Frequency of pediatric dentomaxilar anomalies in orthodontics belonging to the Barros Luco Trudeau healthcare complex, Chile. Salud Uninorte, 37(3), 683–695.



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