Unity and Otherness of Space and Time. A Comparative Study on the Spatial-Temporal Conceptions by Heidegger, Chillida, Newton, and Wittgenstein [Spanish]


  • Ana María Rabe Universidad de Antioquia


Space and time are inseparable concepts. The relationship that joins them is so close that one can understand space as the opposite side of time, and vice versa. Unity and otherness of space and time constitute a fundamental problem for science, especially physics, as well as for philosophy and art. Although there may be connecting lines between the conceptions those different fields hold on space and time, one observes fundamental differences in the way they understand these two concepts and the relation between them. The conception of space and time in classical physics, as well as in Wittgenstein’s notion of logical space connected with the principle of simultaneity, represent necessary theoretical premises in order to establish physical laws and pre­cise representations. Opposite to the scientific and transcendental concepts, we find Heidegger’s ontological and Chillida’s artistic conceptions. Giving up the ideal of precision, of measurement and verification, the philosopher and the sculptor understand the mutual belonging of space and time as something that has a fundamental importance in human life, and that constitutes a challenge that one can only search for.

Author Biography

Ana María Rabe, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctora en Filosofía por la Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, Alemania. Desde 2014 es profesora asociada de Filosofía Contemporánea en la Universidad de Antioquia en Medellín (Colombia).


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