The Other Whose Word Can Transform Me. The Role of Otherness in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics [Spanish]


  • Andrés F. Contreras Universidad de Antioquia


The paper shows the role of the other in Gadamer’s hermeneutics in the light of the idea of dialogue. Understanding requires the recognition of the other as a thou, the acceptance of the lack of distance from him and the openness to embrace what is said by him as a possible truth. Understanding has a dialectical structure that implies the cancellation of one’s own expectations and the access to a more comprehensive knowledge. Even though every understanding is historical, it discloses an aspect of the thing itself which results from the interaction of the I and the thou during the process of hermeneutical conversation and constitutes a common truth that has analogous characteristics to practical reason.

Author Biography

Andrés F. Contreras, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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