Stripped-off/bare lives. The need for an «ethnographic precaution» as a complement to the «archaeological precaution» in Giorgio Agamben’s analysis of Western political power devices [Spanish]


  • Luis Periáñez Llorente Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Political ontology, Philosophical anthropology


Starting from the exposition provided by Giorgio Agamben himself of his theoretical and practical intentions at the beginning of Homo sacer I and from the method with which he intends to face them (his particular understanding of philosophical archeology), this essay shows, through a detailed analysis of that method, some of the limits of the project. This negative critical task is complemented by 1) a defense of some of Agamben’s theoretical gestures against a certain reception of his ideas about “bare life”, and 2) the methodological proposal of an “ethnographic precaution” that would permit to sanitize the project and to overcome the discovered limits. Such questions would be embedded in an inquiry about interdisciplinarity and the canon and essence of critical philosophy.

Author Biography

Luis Periáñez Llorente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Graduado en Filosofía y máster en Estudios Avanzados en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente desarrolla su tesis doctoral en torno a la ontología crítica del presente y la filosofía de Giorgio Agamben en la misma casa, bajo la dirección del profesor José Luis Villacañas y con la ayuda de una beca predoctoral FPU. Entre sus más recientes publicaciones se encuentran If this is a body: from political ontology to a possible ethics ( y On the critical component of the hermeneutic ontology. Reflections on the analytics of the historizing of Dasein (


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