Dialogue between the Theory of Gender and the Sexual Difference from the Ontological Incompletitude [Spanish]


  • Daniel Alberto Sicerone CONICET - Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn. INVECOM


This research work focuses on the possibility of thinking of a dialogue between gender theory and sexual difference, going through the necessary theoretical and conceptual delimitation of the categories at stake, be it gender or sexual difference, and all the necessary binding conceptualizations. We work on the tension between a culturalist position like gender and one denominated sexual difference, but not in the sense of anatomical difference. To address this issue, it is necessary to introduce a Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective. The possibility of dialogue will come from the location of the body as a central element for the development of the research, either in its psychoanalytic approach as sexed body oriented to the Lacanian real, or in the perspective of a Somateca as a space of opening, opposed to the notion of corpus. It is in this discussion about the understanding of the body that we can identify the possibility of dialogue, for the body is crossed by an inconsistency: its ontological incompleteness.

Author Biography

Daniel Alberto Sicerone, CONICET - Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn. INVECOM

Becario Doctoral CONICET

Investigador del Insituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn

Miembro de INVECOM

Docente del Instituto de Pensamiento Crítico 17

Miembro del grupo de estudios Nuevos realismos de la diferencia sexual


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