Do not Worsen Others’ Situation: the Lockean Proviso and the Original Appropriations in Nozick’s Entitlement Theory [Spanish]


  • Felipe Schwember Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Daniel Loewe


Theories of Justice, Political Philosophy


This paper reviews some of the most frequent objections against Nozick's versión of Lockean Proviso. In particular, it examines two of them: the one that affirms that the stipulation is self-defeating and the one that, on the contrary, maintains that it is insufficient or to weak. Both criticisms are rejected. The first because it ignores Nozick's distinction between not diminishing the opportunities to use a specific good and the opportunities to appropriate it; the second because it erroneously assumes that the baseline of the stipulation is always in the state of nature. Finally, a formulation is offered on the principle of justice in acquisition that includes the stipulation restrictions.


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