Absolute Neorealism in Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness [Spanish]


  • Stephane VINOLO Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


idealism, ontology, quality, realism, Sartre, situation


If the twentieth century was that of phenomenology, the twenty-first is characterized by the rise of multiple realisms. Although one might think that this is a radical turn in contemporary philosophy, it should be remembered that, in 1943, Jean-Paul Sartre tried to establish an absolute neorealism which wanted to preserve a certain realism within phenomenology. Through a reading of Being and nothingness, the author shows that absolute neorealism enables the dichotomy between idealism and realism to be surpassed, thanks to the transphenomenality of two beings and, in addition, imposes a displacement of the descriptive and constitutive task of phenomenology
towards a work of revelation.

Author Biography

Stephane VINOLO, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Profesor Principal


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