Dialogue in Gadamer and the Conformation of the Community of Human Life in Contemporary Democratic Societies


  • Nelson Jair Cuchumbé Holguín Universidad del Valle


Dialogue, understanding, recognition, understanding experience, meaning and belonging


From Gadamer’s approach to dialogue, it is shown that when the interlocutors carry out the conversation in harmony with protecting the right of opinion and reciprocally recognizing the limits of risky points of view, it is feasible to configure a community of human life in mutual estimate and approve the validity of other judgments as answers that help with the interhuman process of common understanding. And in this realization of the dialogue thus a new creation of meaning takes place that with the participation of the plurality simultaneously carries out the updating of the usual way of carrying out the formation of a community of life. To the extent that the interlocutors understand their opinions in relation to the guiding question of the dialogue and recognize the finiteness of their points of view as possibilities among others, it contributes to the establishment of a community of human life in a completely different sense, transforming with this, in one way or another, the usual practices of relationship and social integration. First, the link between understandable experience and conversation is explained; and, secondly, the way in which Gadamer describes the hermeneutical assumption of belonging and its relationship with the creation of a new meaning that concerns the comprehensible experience of interhuman understanding in conversation is established.

Author Biography

Nelson Jair Cuchumbé Holguín, Universidad del Valle

Doctor en Humanidades de la Universidad del Valle, profesor Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad del Valle, miembro del grupo de investigación “Hermes” (Colciencias, Categoría A), línea de investigación hermenéutica y argumentación.


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