Atmoterrorism and Air Technologies: On a Performance of Space in Sloterdijk’s Philosophy


  • Leopoldo Edgardo Tilleria Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (UBO)


atmoterrorism, air conditioning, space, being-in-the-air, Sloterdijk.


The possibility of a certain performance of space in Sloterdijk’s theory of spheres is postulated. Such a performance would be an act of onto-technological convertibility, which replaces the orthodox notion of a space of Euclidean nature with that of a spatiality governed by the promise of the discipline of design or Air design. In this way,
Sloterdijk’s being-in-spheres would be better understood as being-in-air, especially if one considers that the asceticism of today’s Homo sapiens suggests an air conditioning centered on the comfort of the thermotope and technological management of air. For the same reason, and resorting to one of the mythological arguments of the Germanic philosopher, the concept of atmoterrorism (or war focused on the toxicity of the
environment) could be perfectly understood as a sort of titanotechnical revenge fruit of the theft of the sacred epistemic fire.

Author Biography

Leopoldo Edgardo Tilleria, Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (UBO)

Académico e Investigador de la Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (UBO)

Académico e Investigador de la Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP sede Temuco.

Periodista, Magíster y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile.


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