The The Introduction of the Spirit in Heideggerian Philosophy


  • Daniel Michelow Universidad Católica del Maule


Politic, Heidegger, Hegel, Spirit, Being and time


The central question of the present article focuses on the extent and scope of the transformation of Heideggerian methodics, insofar as the question of being must open
up to the possibility of the political in the 1930s. This reworking of certain practical
aspects of his thought happens for Heidegger largely through a specific mode of treatment of the concept of spirit that begins to take shape in his famous rectorate speech, where the geistig appears as a fundamental structure of the project that begins to be set in motion, and which is consolidated, precisely, in the seminar Hegel, On the State that gives rise to this analysis. It will be argued, throughout this article, that
the spirit, categorically rejected in Being and Time in view of its temporal status, is transformed in the development of Heideggerian metapolitics into the essential nexus between Dasein and people.


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