The Project of a Philosophy of Art in Hegel’s Thought: A Discussion of its Systematic Scope as a Philosophy of Culture


  • Eduardo Charpenel Universidad Panamericana, campus México


G. W. F. Hegel, German Idealism, Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture, art’s past character


In this paper, my purpose is to review the peculiar role played by the philosophy of art within the Hegelian system. It is argued here that the study of the essential features
of this branch of his thought has a particular weight and interest for understanding
not only the nature of art, as a mere aesthetic phenomenon, but also as an instance of reflection and understanding on a wide range of social and cultural phenomena that
are very important for human beings. To defend this point, I develop a revision of
the notion of “art’s past character” (Vergänglichkeit der Kunst) in Hegel. In doing so, I intend to show how a reinterpretation of this notion can be fertile for understanding
the theoretical horizon of possibilities available to the philosophy of art.

Author Biography

Eduardo Charpenel, Universidad Panamericana, campus México

Profesor-Investigador de tiempo completo. Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Panamericana, campus Ciudad de México


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